Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Is Trump Administration Targeting Advocates?

Roland Gramajo, a Houston activist, is being held in federal custody pending deportation proceedings after drawing attention to ICE. He is a local advocate in the Guatemalan community. In order to suppress fear about recent immigration raids, he organized a town hall meeting. To this meeting he not only invited community activists from all over the country, but even invited members of congress. In addition, he also invited officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcements for the sole purpose to inform the community of they have if they were to be confronted by authorities.

However, three weeks after he held the meeting, he is now facing deportation. This has rekindled concerns, and people are worried that the Trump Administration may be targeting advocates as part of their crackdown on illegal immigration. Many are now wondering if it was not for this meeting Gramajo held, and the attention he gathered, if he would not be facing deportation now.


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